And So...
She Wrote
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80s and 90s power feminism – what did it ever do for me?
The vision of female success it projected was far too narrow —– 1980s Britain. The age of yuppies, shoulder pads, hairdos that looked like flocks
Alcohol & I: a brief history of my boozing
1990 – 2024 —– Scanning the news over the new year, I read that, according to new research by the OECD, more than a third
‘Tis the season…to stop being transactional in your relationships
At this time, just say hello —– In 2018, I started investing on the stock market. Quite apart from the overriding practical consideration of saving
Great Art Encounters – Electric Rider by Isolde Maria Joham
Isolde Maria Joham: a versatile Austrian artist whose futuristic vision was recognised just in time —– The Viennese are known for being a conservative, slightly
Lily Phillips and her 101 men. I wonder – what was the point?
Is Lily Phillips pushing the boundaries of female sexual freedom – or just publicly self-harming? —– The premise of the stunt was as simple as
Midlands dialect and the odd things my mum says
What – you don’t know what an idle Jack is? —– In the great scheme of things, Britain is a small, small island. And, in